3 Benefits of Window Tinting

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Our team at Panache Auto Werke wants to help you do what’s best for your car, and for your driving experience. One service that we offer that can significantly improve both is window tinting. In this article, we’ll go over three of the many benefits of window tinting to help you decide if it’s right for you.

3 Benefits of Window Tinting

  • It can keep you safe from shattered glass. One reason to get your windows tinted is because the film used to darken the glass can also help protect you from shattered glass shards in the event of an accident. Because window tinting film adheres to the glass, it helps keep the glass from falling apart when it breaks–instead of flying everywhere after an impact, including into your face, the glass fragments will stick to the film.
  • It blocks UV rays. Another benefit of window tinting is that it blocks up to 99% of UV rays. Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation, and it can do significant damage to your skin, which can take the form of anything from a sunburn to premature aging. According to experts, more than half of skin cancers in the U.S. occur on the left side of the body—the side that faces the window when you’re in the driver’s seat. Tinting your windows is a smart, effective way to reduce your risk of skin cancer and protect your health in general.
  • It keeps your car cooler. Related to the above benefit, window tinting also helps to keep your car cooler. UV rays come from the sun, and window film blocks significant amounts of ordinary sunlight as well. This means that your car doesn’t take on as much heat, making it easier for your AC to keep you cool on a summer day.