How to Protect Your Auto Detailing Job

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You brought your car to us for auto detailing, and now your car has never looked or felt better. You love how clean your car is, and you want to keep it looking this way for as long as possible between auto detailing appointments. Here are a few tips for keeping your car looking great after we’re done with it:

  • Park in the garage—If you currently park in the driveway or on the street after you get home for the day, clean out your garage so you have space to park in there. Leaving your car outside for long periods of the time makes it susceptible to dirt and dust accumulation, as well as insects and bird droppings.

How to Protect Your Auto Detailing Job

  • Don’t eat in your car—Eating in your car is convenient, especially when you’re in a hurry, but it’s the #1 way to get crumbs and spills all over your newly cleaned interior. After your auto detailing appointment, be more conscious about not eating in your car.
  • Pick up trash quickly—It’s easy for trash and other stuff to build up in your car, especially if you’re a commuter or spend a lot of time in your car each day. However, this trash can lead to crumbs and sticky spills. Every day when you get out of your car, do a quick once-over and remove any trash or stuff that doesn’t belong in your vehicle.
  • Don’t go too long between appointments—If you want to have a great looking-car all the time, don’t go too long between auto detailing appointments. As soon as you start to notice your car looking and feeling a little dirty, make an appointment to come see us.