Auto Services, Fairfield, CT

Home > Auto Services, Fairfield, CT

Our dedicated employees can assist you with a wide range of auto services.

At Panache Auto Werke, we’re committed to providing auto services for those who want to protect their investments and take care of their vehicles. We have incredibly high-quality standards for ourselves, and those standards extend to all areas of service that we provide, as well as to the advice we give and technical expertise of our technicians. Our dedicated employees can assist you with a wide range of auto services. We provide surface enhancement and protection services, interior and exterior washing and detailing, installation, and other customization services.

Auto Services in Fairfield, Connecticut

Under the category of surface enhancement and protection services are hydrophobic coatings, paint protection film application, and permanent application of Ceramic Pro. Each of these options can protect your paint job and the exterior of your vehicle, reducing the risk of scratches, dings, and other damage. Hydrophobic coating and Ceramic Pro also help prevent water from collecting on the outside of the car. When you want to help your car look like new again, bring it to our location for a hand car wash or detailing service. We can detail both the interior and exterior, and we have the tools needed to perform carpet steam cleaning.

Other services include wheel customization, caliper painting, and software coding and chassis dyno for AWD models. We’re the team to trust for all the unique auto services you need to keep your vehicle looking great. Our services are available to those in and near Fairfield, Connecticut, so contact us or stop by to request more information on a service you want for your car, truck, or SUV.

Auto Services


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