Caliper Services, Fairfield, CT

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Let us show the same level of service and care to your calipers as the rest of your vehicle.

When you come into Panache Auto Werke, you are looking for more than just a car service. Instead, you are looking for someone who is qualified and talented enough to work on your vehicle while also providing you with services that you won’t find just anywhere! We are specialized in providing auto services and detailing services to any cars, including high-end ones. We would love to show you how customizations and improvements can make your car all the more enjoyable to drive. Some of the customizations we offer go beyond protecting the exterior of your vehicle to the detail components as well. For example, we now are able to fully customize your calipers. We offer a couple of caliper services, including:

Caliper Services in Fairfield, Connecticut

  • Caliper Customization- With the advent of newer, more spacious alloy wheel design, you can show off all the areas of your wheel well, including the calipers. We can help you change calipers to match or complement the body color of your car, even adding heat-resistant OEM decals. The decal service can be customized to your needs as well.
  • Caliper Painting- When you finally buy the car you always dreamed about, but the package to add body match calipers was off the charts, you don’t have to worry anymore. We can give you the OEM look for a fraction of the price of what the package looks at the sticker price of your vehicle. Caliper painting gives you the look and customization that you are looking for and allows you to show off quality work on a quality vehicle.
    • Caliper Painting: $599 Prices vary by make model* (turnaround time is 2-3 days)
    • Decal Service: $99
    • Custom Color: $99
  • Powder Coat Option- Ideal for people with more tough use of their vehicle, including track laps and rough terrain. Powder coat adds longevity to your paint bond, and decal service can be done as well. Powder coating is a longer service and demands the car to be available for at least 4-5 days, since it involves a caliper rebuild service & complete brake job. Inquire within for pricing.

We take pride in providing the best caliper services in the industry. Caliper painting is a very famous service for our clients, and we’ve always brought a smile to our clients. We would love to help you with caliper services in the Fairfield, Connecticut area.

Caliper Services in Stratford, CT


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