Carbon Fiber, Fairfield, CT

Home > Auto Services, Fairfield, CT > Carbon Fiber, Fairfield, CT

Carbon fiber accessories can add aggressiveness to any car.

Carbon fiber accessories such as rear spoilers, front lips or  diffusers add the aggressiveness you desire in your vehicle, as well as adding aerodynamic to the car! The aerodynamic features help in better maneuvering of the car and even result in higher MPG.

Carbon Fiber in Fairfield, Connecticut

Carbon fiber additions to your vehicle help in a lot of different ways. When you add carbon fiber parts to your vehicle, you are getting parts that are incredibly strong, yet incredibly light. These parts are made and shaped from carbon fiber, which is a material that is stronger than steel with a fraction of the weight. While there are many surface applications of carbon fiber parts for the body of the car, such as a hood or fender, we are also seeing many interior and engine parts made from carbon fiber that increase efficiency by being lighter.

We take pride in installing carbon fiber parts and sourcing them for you as well. Any part bought and installed from us comes with a lifetime warranty on install. We use industry standard 3M double-sided tape, BETAlink glue, self-tapper screws and rivet mechanisms to ensure your carbon can withstand the speeds of more than 190MPH (off-road use only). We are a dealer with major carbon fiber companies such as Vorsteiner, Eventuri, RKP, PSM Dynamics, 1016 industries, RSC Tuning and many more. We also install full carbon fiber body kits from Liberty Walk and Vorstiener.

In addition to being extraordinarily strong, carbon fiber is a great choice for a vehicle because it doesn’t rust like your traditional steel or other metal parts. Without the worry of rust or even dents (carbon fiber isn’t easily dented), you can enjoy driving your vehicle around Fairfield, Connecticut without much worry of damage from the elements.

Here at Panache Auto Werke, we love helping our customers find the best products for their vehicles. If you would like to learn more about carbon fiber parts for your vehicle, please give us a call today!

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