Caliper Rebuild, Stratford, CT

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We offer caliper rebuilds as one of our many auto services.

When one of the calipers attached to your vehicle’s wheel isn’t functioning properly, you may notice some signs when you’re driving. You could notice a burning smell or a lag when you hit the brake pedal. Some drivers even notice that the wheel is hot to the touch, even after a short drive. Replacing the caliper is one option, although it’s often an expensive choice. When you’ve invested in high-end brake calipers for your vehicle, you may not want to ditch them for new units. At Panache Auto Werke, we offer caliper rebuild services to our clients. This is another option that allows you to keep your calipers and get them up and running again.

Caliper Rebuild in Stratford, Connecticut

A caliper rebuild is actually a common practice in the automotive industry. The units are often returned to central rebuilding stations, where they are stripped down, cleaned, and reassembled. The process usually involves a treatment to remove any rust or corrosion, as well as an inspection to make sure it’s ready for reassembly. After passing the inspection, a caliper is then assembled with a fresh bleeder bolt, seal, and piston. We can handle all the steps in this process, giving you a like-new caliper that fits your vehicle perfectly and delivers the automotive performance you want.

At Panache Auto Werke, we offer caliper rebuilds as one of our many auto services. Our technicians work with auto owners in the Stratford, Connecticut area, helping them maintain and care for their vehicles. To learn more about the caliper rebuild process or to get an estimate, contact us today.

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