OEM Caliper Painting, Stratford, CT

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Our OEM caliper painting services will give your car a striking visual accent.

If you are interested in car modification or customization, you have probably run across OEM caliper painting before. For those who are not familiar with the term, the caliper is part of your car’s disc brake system, the piece that contains the brake pads and makes contact with the wheel to slow it down via friction. Standard brake calipers are a plain, steely grey, but by painting them, you can create a subtle yet striking visual accent to your car’s overall appearance. If you are interested in caliper painting services, you can turn to our team here at Panache Auto Werke to get the top-notch results you are looking for.

OEM Caliper Painting in Stratford, Connecticut

Our team is passionate about cars, and we want to help you make yours as slick and cool as possible. When you come to us for OEM caliper painting services, all you have to do is let us know the paint code of your desired color, and we’ll take care of the rest. We will fully remove your calipers from the vehicle, prepare them for paint, then apply the base color. From there, we can add contrasting logos and spray clear over them, or simply seal the solid color paint. We’ll then put your calipers back in, so you can get back on the road to show off your car’s new look.

We are proud to serve the Stratford, Connecticut community, and we want to help you take your car’s appearance to the next level. If you are interested in our OEM caliper painting services, just give us a call.

OEM Caliper Painting, Fairfield, CT